Keep in mind that the PERC does NOT support non-RAID, so you MUST first configure (AND Initialize) RAID in the CTRL-R utility, or no drives will be seen for the install even with the correct drivers. You can put the files on a floppy disk to load at the F6 prompt, or you can use to integrate the drivers into your installation media (will create a new CD/ISO to install with). You must run this file on any Windows system to extract its contents before use. You can extract the files from the EXE using the /extract switch or you can just use the 'Hard Drive' (ZPE) version: To stay updated with the latest Dell OpenManage software releases, enroll in the Dell OpenManage Subscription Service. There isn't one size fits all for this disc it entirely depends on the model of server.
That is what the server assistant DVD is for. It wont detect the hard drive because F6 drivers are not on the CD.